Beicip-Franlab is one of the leading petroleum consulting firms and software editors in the world. Its internationally recognized permanent staff of more than 250 experts and technology are available through technical assistance and transfer of knowledge. The personnel, who has gained worldwide experience in operating and service companies in the petroleum and related industries constitutes the backbone of the Company's structure and competence.
Beicip-Franlab integrates the full range of petroleum upstream and downstream consulting services within the same organization.
In over 100 different countries, Beicip-Franlab has provided since 1960 its consultancy and advisory services to more than 1000 oil companies and institutions, and also to the foremost international bodies.
Beicip-Franlab offers its clients desk and field studies, consultancy services, assistance and cooperation from a technical, economic, financial, legal and contractual point of view in the area of petroleum exploration, production, transport, processing and distribution.