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External Glossaries
The Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary SEG Wiki PetroWiki Acronyms Used in the Oil & Gas Industry Schlumberger Curve Mnemonic Dictionary
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Pages in category "Glossary"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 857 total.
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- Abandon
- Abandoned well
- Abandonment
- Abatement
- Abbreviations
- Abnormal pressure
- Abrasion
- Absolute age
- Absolute ages
- Blog:Absolute and gauge pressure
- Absorption
- Accelerometer
- Accommodation space
- Accretion
- Acidic lavas
- Acidizing
- Adjustable choke
- Aeolian
- Aeolian deposits
- Age dating
- Aggradation
- AGI (American Geosciences Institute)
- AI
- Air drilling
- Alkanes
- Allochthon
- Allochthonous
- Allocyclic
- Alluvial fan
- Alluvium
- Alumino-silicates
- Amorphous
- Amplitude
- Amplitude anomaly
- Anastomosing river (stream)
- Angle unit
- Angular unconformity
- Anhydrite
- Anisotropic
- Annular core bit
- Annular preventer
- Anoxic
- Anticline
- Antiform
- Antithetic
- AOF (Absolute Open Flow)
- API County Code
- API gravity
- API State Code
- API Well Number
- Appraisal
- Appraisal Well
- Appraisal well
- Aquiclude
- Aquifer
- Aquitard
- Aragonite
- Architectural element
- Arenaceous rocks
- Arenite
- Argillaceous rocks
- Argillite
- Arkose
- Arkosic sand
- Aromatic hydrocarbons
- Array
- Articulated platform
- Artificial drive
- Artificial lift
- Asphalt
- Asphaltine
- Asset
- Asset team
- Associated gas
- Asymmetric fold
- Attenuation
- Attribute
- Authigenic
- Authigenous
- Average velocity
- AVO (Amplitude-versus-offset)
- Axial line
- Axial plane
- Axial surface
- Axis, tectonic
- Azimuth
- Badger bit
- Bail
- Balanced cross section
- Ball up
- Bar
- Barge
- Barite
- Barrel
- Barrelage
- Baryte
- Basal conglomerate
- Basalt
- Base level
- Basement
- Basin
- Basin Modelling
- Bathyal
- Bbl
- Bcf
- Bcm
- Beam Pump
- Bed
- Bedding
- Bedding fault
- Bedding plane
- Bedding plane slip
- Bedding surface
- Bedding thrust
- Bedform
- Beds
- Bell nipple
- Below Rotary Table
- Bent sub
- Bentonite
- BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly)
- Bioclastic
- Bioclastic limestone
- Biodegredation
- Biogenic
- Bioherm
- Biomarker
- Biostratigraphy
- Bioturbation
- Bit
- Bit breaker
- Bit record
- Bit sub
- Bit walk
- Bitumen
- Black Oil
- Blanket sand
- Blind rams
- Blocking well logs
- Blooey line
- Blow out
- Blow-down
- BOE (Barrels Oil Equivalent)
- Boomer
- BOP (Blow-Out Preventer)
- BOP stack
- Borehole
- Bottom hole
- Bottom hole payment
- Bottom hole pump
- Bottomset
- Boudinage
- Bouguer anomaly map
- Bouguer gravity-anomaly map
- Bouma sequence
- Braided stream
- Brake
- Breccia
- Brent
- Bridge
- Bright Spots
- Brittle deformation
- Bubble point
- Build up rate
- Build up section
- Building assembly
- Bulk modulus
- Bullheading
- Bumper sub
- Burial history