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Energy Data eXchange

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Energy Data eXchange (EDX) is the Department of Energy (DOE)/Fossil Energy's (FE) virtual library and data laboratory built to find, connect, curate, use and re-use data to advance fossil energy and environmental R&D. Developed and maintained by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), EDX supports the entire life cycle of data by offering secure, private collaborative workspaces for ongoing research projects until they mature and become catalogued, curated, and published. EDX adheres to DOE Cyber policies as well as domestic and international standards for data curation and citation. This ensures data products pushed public via EDX are afforded a citation for proper accreditation and complies with journal publication requirements.

Why was EDX created?

In 2011, development of NETL’s Energy Data eXchange (EDX) was initiated as an innovative solution to data challenges by:

  • offering a means for better preservation of our own R&D products for future access and re-use
  • providing efficient and easily discoverable access to authoritative, relevant, external data resources
  • nurturing the next generation of energy research products through an improved virtual suite of capabilities, such as secure and private collaboration environments for R&D teams, to meet DOE and specifically NETL’s mission and goals

Who uses EDX?

Primary users of EDX are NETL (NETL-affiliated research teams, both in-house and program-related) and non-NETL Fossil Energy researchers actively engaged in work relevant to a broad spectrum of energy and environmental research and development programs. Registered users include internal DOE National Laboratory researchers and external collaborators from external government agencies, universities, non-profits, and industry.

How are researchers using EDX?

EDX is adaptable to meet a wide-range of end-user needs. Explore EDX to figure out how it best suits you, but here are a few ways researchers are using EDX.

  • EDX Search allows users to explore and find data resources relevant to their needs.
  • EDX Contribute allows registered users to submit a dataset, tool, model, etc to EDX for potential publication. If a submission is approved, it receives a unique URL, data citation following format, and becomes public via EDX Search.
  • EDX Groups allow users to group together public submissions under a community or topic.
  • EDX Portfolios offer an overview of key DOE-FECM/NETL R&D programs and research on a broad set of subsurface energy challenges related to CO2 storage and hydrocarbon systems.
  • EDX Tools provide access to, management of, and interaction with data through a collection of tools.
  • EDX Workspaces are a secure environment that offer registered users a platform to access and share private data and data-driven products in support of science-based decision making.

If you’d like more information about how you might use EDX, please contact
