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MultiPhase Flow Correlations

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Correlation Description Reference
Anand, et al Predicting Thermal Conductivities of Formations from Other Known Properties JPT (Oct. 1980).
Ashford and Pierce The Determination of Multiphase Pressure Drops and Flow Capacities in Downhole Safety Valves (Storm Chokes) SPE 5161 1974 SPE Annual Fall Meeting, Houston Oct. 6-9.
Beggs and Brill A Study of Two Phase Flow in Inclined Pipe. Laboratory data (air & water flow in 1-1.5 in. pipes). Correlations useable at all inclination angles JPT (May 1973), 606-617.
Churchill-Chu Correlating Equations for Laminar and Turbulent Free Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder International Journal Heat Mass Transfer (1975) 18, 1049-1053.
Fancher and Brown Prediction of Pressure Gradients for Multiphase Flow in Tubing SPE Journal (Mar. 1963), 59-64.
Fortunati Two Phase Flow Through Well-head Chokes SPE 3742 1972 SPE European Spring Meeting, Amsterdam, May 17-18.
Hagedorn and Brown Experimental Study of Pressure Gradients Occurring During Continuous Two-Phase Flow in Small-Diameter Vertical Conduits. Field experiment (gas, oil & water flow in 1 - 4in. pipes). Forms basis for widely used correlation JPT (Apr. 1965), 475-484.
Mandhane et al A Flow Pattern Map for Gas-liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes International Journal Multiphase Flow, 1, 537-541.
Moody Friction Factor for Pipe Flow Trans., AIME (1944), 66, 671-675.
Mukherjee and Brill Liquid Holdup Correlations for Inclined Two-Phase Flow JPT (May 1983), 1003-1008.
Oranje Condensate Behaviour in Gas Pipeline is Predictable Oil and Gas Journal (July 1973), 39-43.
Orkiszewski Predicting Two Phase Pressure Drop in Vertical Pipes JPT (June 1967), 829-833.
Duns and Ros Vertical Flow of Gas and Liquid Mixtures in Wells. Field and Lab. data (air, oil & water flow in 1.25- 3.125 in. pipes). Vertical flow over wide flow rate range Proc., Sixth World Petroleum Congress, Frankfurt (1963) 451.
Tansev Startzman and Cooper Predicting Pressure Loss and Heat Transfer in Geothermal Wellbores SPE 5584 1975 SPE Annual Fall Meeting, Dallas, Sept. 28-Oct. 1.
Gould, Tek and Katz Two-Phase Flow Through Vertical, Inclined, or Curved Pipe JPT, August, 1974, 915-925.
Gilbert Introduced vertical, multiphase gradient curves. Field data for gas, oil, water
Griffith and Wallis Laboratory data (air & water flow in narrow pipes), good slug flow correlation used by later investigators Griffith, P. and Wallis, G.B., “Two-Phase Slug Flow,” J. Heat Transfer, Trans. ASME, Ser. C, 83, 307-320, August 1961.
Aziz and Govier Correlations developed by mechanistic fluid mechanical study tested against field data. Field & Lab. data (air, oil & water flow in a wide range of pipes) Govier, G.W. and Aziz, K., The Flow of Complex Mixtures in Pipes, Robert E. Drieger Publishing Co., Huntington, NY, 1977.

Recommendations on flow correlations from KAPPA

External links

Multi-Phase Flow Correlations chapter from Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, PennState University

Open source

Two-phase flow

The two-phase flow is a Python library that implements two-phase flows models and make easy to get the flow properties such as flow pattern, elongated bubble velocity, homogenous model properties etc. This library is structured in a way that the user can program using a simple and easy-to-use objects or in a more advanced manner can use the functions of the library directly. The fluid properties are by default automatically obtained from the CoolProp. However, you can also pass your own functions, determined experimentally or from any source you want. The library has also some basic plot utils for some flow pattern maps.