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Volve Field Open Data

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Subsurface and production data from Volve Field is opened by Equinor

Volve is a decommissioned field in the central part of the North Sea and was discovered in 1993, the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 2005. The field was shut down in 2016 and the formal removal and decommissioning will be completed by the end of 2018.

The Volve field is located five kilometers north of the Sleipner Øst field with water depths of 80 meters in the block 15/9. The produced oil was from sandstone in the Hugin Formation of the Jurassic age. The reservoir is located at 2750 – 3120 m depth.

The Volve Data was approved for data sharing in 2018 by the initiative of the last Operating company, Equinor and approved by the license partners ExxonMobil E&P Norway AS and Bayerngas Norge AS in the end of 2017.

During the life of the Volve license, a limited amount of field-related data has been released to a handful of research institutes.

The Volve Data available will contain data covering data in regards of production data, well design, completion string design, seismic data, well logs (petrophysical and drilling), geological and stratigraphical data, static and dynamic models, surface and grid data.

The Volve Field

The Volve field was discovered in 1993 (Discovery well 15/9-19 SR). Located in the central part of the north sea, 5 km north of Sleipner East, waterdepth 80 m.

Volve was developed when oil prices were low. A non-traditional concept was chosen to extract resources easily and profitably. The plan for development and production was approved by NPD in 2005. A description of field development can be found in the PUD report. The Volve development took advantage of an opportunity to use a vacant new building, Maersk Inspirer, which at the time was the world's largest jack-up rig. The rig was equipped with its own wellhead and process module for drilling and production. After the shutdown of the Volve field, this rig will be used in the Repsol-operated Yme field which is to be reopened for production.

FSU Navion Saga was used as a storage vessel for the oil. Both installations were leased under the license and operation of the contractors Mærsk Drilling and Teekay.

The reservoir in the Volve field consists of Jurassic sandstones at 2750 – 3120 m TVD ss, the field was produced with water injection as pressure support.

When the Volve field started well drilling in May 2007, and came into production the following year, life expectancy was from 3-5 years. New wells were being drilled up until 2012-13, which contributed to the increased recovery rate and extended life of the field. However remaining resources were very limited and with the decrease in oil price over recent years, new wells were no longer profitable.

The Volve oil and gas field closed in 2016, having continued production 3 years longer than originally planned. All possibilities to extend the life of the field were explored, which yielded very good results.

The field was in production for over 8 years and delivered about 9.5 million barrels of oil beyond what was expected in the development and operation plan. In total, Volve achieved a recovery rate of 54%.

Volve was shut down in 2016 by decision of the partners: Statoil (now Equinor), ExxonMobil and Bayern Gas (Now Spring Energy), and with the approval of OED. Production ended in October 2016 and FSU Navion Saga left the field. Permanent plugging of the wells and other process activities were carried out in December. Maersk Inspirer then disconnected from the Volve field. Removal of Subsea equipment was completed in the summer of 2017.

The Volve Data Village data set

The data set consists of 11 folders with a total of 5 TB and nearly 40,000 files. Most folders contain “readme” files.

Some parts of the data set contains “Scandinavian letters æ,ø,å”

Geophysical Interpretations

Geophysical interpretations exported from OpenWorks, Faults, Horizons, Well picks

Folder Fault_polygons contains fault polygons for Top and Base Hugin (top and base reservoir).

Top Hugin consists of 78 polygons (all collected in a single file) Base Hugin consists of 71 polygons (all collected in a single file)

Each polygon is defined by a (UTMX,UTMY,TWT) point set.

Folder Faults contains one file with all official faults (fault sticks) for Volve.

File format by character in line: 3-12: UTMX (meter) 14-24: UTMY (meter) 26-36: TWT (ms) 37-47: UNKNOWN (probably 3 columns with color coding) 50: UNKNOWN 52: Number on fault stick (1,2,3 for start, middle, end) 53-100: Fault name 101 andover: not relevant.

projected CRS

type : UTM zone : UTM Zone 31N

Folder Horizons contains horizon interpretations.

Horizons_TWT: Horizons in time Official_Horizons: Interpolated versions of key horizons Timelapse_Horizons: Horizons used for computing 4D attribute maps. There are different versions with different extensions. Other_Horizons: Some other relevant horizons Multiples: Indicating first and second multiple of strongest horizons, interfering with reservoir. Horizons_DEPTH: Horizons in depth Official_Horizons: Interpolated versions of key horizons (in depth) Other_Horizons: Some other relevant horizons

Naming standard for Horizon files: Stratigrafic_surface+Seismic_info+Interpreter+Output_Domain.dat

Horizon-OW-IO-formatfile.xml: Format file used to export horizons from OW, using the "Data Export" utility.

The horizon files contain IL, XL, UTMX, UTMY, and TWT or Z.

ST0202 and ST10010 survey have different but related IL/XL system:

XL(ST10010) = XL(ST0202) IL(ST10010) = 2 x IL(ST0202) - 1

Folder Wells contains the following two files:

1) Well_picks_Volve_v1.dat: Contains most important well picks for Volve wells. Some well picks occur more than 1 time in a single well (indicated with Obs#). This is due to the well crossing in and out of a formation several times (e.g. due to faults, or horizontal well path).

2) Well_perforations_Volve.dat: Contains well perforation intervals.


Contains a backup of OpenWorks database

Production data

Contains daily and monthly production data pr well


Contains two reports. Discovery Report

PUD (Plan for Utbygging og Drift). The PUD document is unfortunately in Norwegian but is the official document approved by NPD as plan for development and operations (PDO)

Other reports can be found in folder Well_logs, typically Final Well Reports etc. and in folder for well technical data.


Contains the dynamic fluid simulation models made in Eclipse. It contains both input and result data. The folder contains a powerpoint file “Volve Sim model and HM per jan-16. The file describes Volve 2010 model, the drainage strategy, and development from initial PDO interpretation in 2006.


Contains Geological Reservoir Model made in RMS. It contains both input and result data from two models, PDO 2005 and Full Field 2014.

1. VolveGeomodel2003.rms2012.0.4 (Volve PUD::Production::PUD/PDO::2005) - RMS model - Export_data

2. pp04xg03gf01sf01.rms2012.0 (Volve2014: Full Field Geomodel 2014::Production::Reservoir Description::2014- RMS project) - RMS model - Export_data


Seismic contains seismic data of 2 OBC surveys:

ST0202 acquired in 2002 ST10010 acquired in 2010.

ST0202 and ST10010 surveys have different but related IL/XL system:

XL(ST10010) = XL(ST0202) IL(ST10010) = 2 x IL(ST0202) - 1

The subdirectory ST0202 contains 3D processed data for ST0202 The subdirectory ST10010 contains 3D processed data for ST10010 The subdirectory ST0202vsST10010_4D contains data from 4D processing of ST0202 and ST10010 (matched data).

Names used in the files indicating processing:

ST0202R08: Survey ST0202 re-processed in 2008 (PZ and PS imaging in depth) with 2008 velocity model ST0202ZC11: Survey ST0202 re-reprocessed in 2011 (PZ imaging in depth), in connection with timelapse processing with 2011 velocity model ST10010ZC11: Survey ST1010 processed in 2011 (PZ imaging in depth) with the 2011 velocity model.

ST0202ZDC12: Survey ST0202 re-processed in 2012 for 4D purpose ST10010ZDC12: Survey ST10010 re-processed in 2012 for 4D purpose

Seismic/VSP contains checkshots for some wells.

The checkshots are normal incidence VSP. They are measured in the well. A VSI tool is put in the borehole, with 4 receivers. The distance between the receivers is 15cm. A source is located right above the VSI receivers (in the center). The average TWT of the first arrivals in the 4 receivers is taken. The boat and the VSI tool move after every shot.

More VSP data is found in the folder Well logs\08.VSP_VELOCITY


Well logs contains a variety of logs: mud logs, petrophysical logs, vsp, core, biostrat, geochem and corresponding reports from 3 exploration wells and 21 production/injection wells. The data is organized by datatype. The folder contains a file “Volve Inventory” with an overview of the data in the folder.


This folder contains the same data as in folder 8 but organized by well. The folder contains a file “Volve Inventory” with an overview of the data in the folder.


The data in this folder structure consists of two main parts. First the EDT software export using the software from Landmark.

EDT_EDM CasingSeat CasingWear Compass EDM.XML Site Site_TemplateSlot StressCheck Wellcat WellPlan WellWellbore

Secondly Daily Drilling Reports, in HTML, PDF and XML (WITSML) version.

WITSML Realtime drilling data

This folder contains folders with WITSML realtime drilling data from the newest wells.

NA-NA-15_$47$_9-F-5 15/9-F-5 W-508420 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-1 B NO 15/9-F-1 B fbaff14c-822a-4608-88cd-c76961e2bd63 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-1 C NO 15/9-F-1 C 1bf1cc58-83af-4e13-9696-4fae2f9294ae Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-11 NO 15/9-F-11 da2c7481-6737-4b5e-b430-32d50e69bd9a Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-15 NO 15/9-F-15 dd19bf7b-02a7-4383-9038-ce201cee4d91 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-14 NO 15/9-F-14 cf870b7d-087b-4797-b000-4968e9f1beaf Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-12 NO 15/9-F-12 a82580d7-d94f-4e5a-9a04-be8bcae02998 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-9 NO 15/9-F-9 432612d4-7a1b-464d-b89a-9783d4606a96 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-7 NO 15/9-F-7 5da3aeeb-12c9-4732-a059-e3a8d7c32442 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-5 NO 15/9-F-5 634ead84-2e59-4283-ad38-ae87114be051 Norway-Statoil-NO 15_$47$_9-F-4 NO 15/9-F-4 5e023a7f-1b34-4948-81ca-286bba72793b Norway-NA-15_$47$_9-F-1 15/9-F-1 W-565042 Norway-NA-15_$47$_9-F-1 C 15/9-F-1 C W-2890722 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-10 15/9-F-10 W-924688 Norway-NA-15_$47$_9-F-11 B 15/9-F-11 B W-2513775 Norway-Statoil-15_$47$_9-F-12 15/9-F-12 W-353084 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-14 15/9-F-14 W-353085 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-15 15/9-F-15 W-826806 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-15A 15/9-F-15A W-861401 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-15B 15/9-F-15B W-854763 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-15S 15/9-F-15S W-744206 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-4 15/9-F-4 W-353088 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-5 15/9-F-5 W-555807 Norway-Statoil-15_$47$_9-F-7 15/9-F-7 W-518456 Norway-StatoilHydro-15_$47$_9-F-9 15/9-F-9 W-562908 Norway-NA-15_$47$_9-F-9 A 15/9-F-9 A W-986464
