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Eclipse Output Data

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Eclipse output files

Eclipse creates the output files within the same directory where the .DATA file is and name them as root name of .DATA file.

The output files can be unified or non-unified and have ASCII or Binary format.

Unified Non-unified (multiple)
ASCII (text) format One file. Readable (ASCII). All results are lost at an unplanned interruption of the calculation. Consumes a large amount of disk space. Several Files. Readable (ASCII). At interruption of the calculation results are lost only for the current step.
Binary format One file. Unreadable (Binary). All results are lost at an unplanned interruption of the calculation. Several Files. Unreadable (Binary). At interruption of the calculation results are lost only for the current step. Consumes relatevely small amount of disk space.

Type of the output files is set in the RUNSPEC section. There can be any combination of types ASCII/Binary and unified/non-unified. Keyword UNIFOUT defines the unified output type, and the keyword FMTOUT defines Binary format type.
The default output is ASCII format, non-unified.

Summary and Restart Files

Summary and Restart files are the most useful to user, they contain information about reservoir performance. To read these files usully ECLIPSE OFFICE or Petrel is used
Summary and restart files can be Unified or Non-unified

  • .Snnnn - non-unified summary (nnnn is a number corresponding to the time step)
  • .UNSMRY - unified summary
  • .Xnnnn - non-unified restart (nnnn is a number corresponding to the time step)
  • .UNRST - unified restart

Summary files are created by the process of calculation for each requested by step. They are used to build dependencies of the time, such as the extraction of oil on the field, water cut at wells, acceleration of the group of wells and other.
For charting Summary files are downloaded in ECLIPSE OFFICE or imported into Petrel.

Additional to summary files there are:
.Spec file is used by many applications, although the user does not need to turn to him. It contains a list and description of the contents of the summary files.
.RSM. Run summary file contains the same information as the summary files, but in the form of table. Run summaries can fairly easily be imported in Excel spreadsheets.

Restart files contain a full description of dynamic (time-dependant) properties of the field, at the time when they were recorded. This includes the pressure, saturation for each cell, full description of wells, information about rates, etc. The exception is the VFP the table, which are not written in the restart files.
Restart the files are mostly used for a two-or three-dimensional graphical display of the model. You can query the ECLIPSE at the conclusion restart files only for graphic use, which occupy less space on the disk, unlike created by default.

Other output files

.PRT file.
The main printer output is saved in a file with the extension .PRT. It contains:

  • Averaging values, such as gas-oil ratio, water cut and reservoir pressure;
  • Comments, messages, warnings, problems and errors;
  • Information about the events (well open/shut, change the regime of control, etc).

The file with the extension .PRT is always readable text file.

.DBG file.
The file with the extension .DBG contains information for debugging. This file is created by default and contains a limited amount of information. This information is provided in the form of a code, can be quite extensive and mainly used by developers of the program. Users are not recommended to make any changes in the debug log file.

.Grid (.EGRID) file.
The file with the extension .Grid or .EGRID contains only grid geometry.

.Init file.
Init file contain information about a static description of the model:

  • Dimensions of cells, the depth of their surfaces and centres
  • Properties of cells, such as porosity, permeability, pore volume
  • PVT properties and saturation functions
  • The distribution of the regions within the model

.Flux file
Flux-file contains values of the flow and pressure on the borders of the selected areas.

.RFT files
This file contains simulated RFT data, such as distribution of pressure and saturation in depth.

.Save file
Save file contains a compressed version of information of the calculation. It includes the static description of the fields, properties rock and fluid, data on the aquifer and management tools finding, but does not include data from wells, surface equipment and the restrictions. Save files are used for restarts.