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How to Refine the Grid Resolution in Petrel

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  1. Under the Pillar gridding settings, set the I and J increment to the cell spacing required at the edge of the grid.
  2. Create a square of I and J trends in the center of your grid.
  3. Define the number of cells on each of the four trends, remember that opposite sides should have the same number of cells. (Use the measuringtool to estimate how many cells you will need.)
  4. As the grid is being compressed in the center, you will also need to increase the total number of cells in the grid. To do this, increase the 'EdgeGrowth' option under the expert settings tab of pillar gridding
  5. To generate a grid with more orthogonal grid cells, extend these trends to the boundary and generate a second set of trends along the boundary.
  6. Set these outer trends as the boundary and select 'edge of grid is limited by trends and directed faults' under the settings for Pillar Gridding.

You can also use LGR.