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How to run a Restart Case in Petrel

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Petrel RE can create restart cases very easily. Here is presented a brief explanation on how to set up and run restart cases in Petrel. Restart cases can be created based on an E100 and E300 run but not Frontsim.
Follow the steps below to create a restart for either a E100 or E300 case.

  1. Make sure that the project already contains a case that has a restart file written out. If the run is successful and the “Grid properties” box is ticked on, on the results tab of the Define Case process dialog.
  2. On the Cases tab RMB click on the relevant case and then select Insert Restart Case. A new case is created in the cases tree; it name is the same as the mother case only with a _RESTART ending.
  3. To define the restart case, go to the Define Case Process and select the newly created restart case from the Edit existing case drop down menu. As you can now see, most of the options are grayed out and read only.
  4. Go to the Flow tab on the Define Case Process dialog. Append a new line in the Flow Control table, and “blue arrow drop in” the new flow control.
  5. On the same tab select the restart file/date to use from the Restart Date dropdown menu. The new case will start at the selected restart date. The Start date of the flow control can be later but not earlier than the restart date.
  6. Make changes on the Results tab and request the desired output if needed.
  7. Run or export the restart case as any other case defined in Petrel.

If the first and second Flow control overlaps each other in time, then the first Flow control time is chopped. Thus the entire period of the subsequent Flow Control is simulated.